Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Curly Do

If you curly or wavy haired girls are like me, then having gorgeous straight hair is a real treat! But what about all the other days of the week? I don't have the time or the patience to fuss about with straight hair, so instead I need to work my curls. Well, now you can learn how to do your own curly do with the Curly-Doo, a service offered by The Curl Ambassadors - the talented stylists will show you to rock your curls! The service starts with a hair wash (who doesn't love a good hair wash) and then your stylist will walk you through the step by step process to maximize your curls - cotton towels, diffusers, deliciously smelling proudcts and funny head positions are the key to your success. The best part is at the end of it you go home with samples of the deliciously smelling products so you can try the process at home and all this for only $20! I had a great afternoon at the The Curl Ambassadors, a little bit of pampering and I learned something too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Free Fitness!

Flirty Girl Fitness is offering free lunch time classes (Monday - Friday) during the month of May - not too bad of a deal when their drop-in classes are $20 (or $18 with a punchcard). If you haven't heard about Flirty Girl Fitness; it is a girls only fitness that offers a variety of unique and seriously kick ass fitness and dance classes including Pole Dancing and G.I. Jane (wow was I hurting for 2 days after this one!). It's a beautiful space with pink being the dominate colour, the instructors are great, though tough on you and the vibe is one that makes you want to get fit, mostly cause you want to look as hot as the owners! I do find the drop in classes a little on the pricey side, so I don't make this my regular work-out stop, but more like a work-out treat (if there is such a thing?) The classes definately help keep my work out routine fresh and keep me motivated!