Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sundays at the Market

One of my favourite Sunday pastime is hitting the Antique market at the St. Lawrence Market (in downtown Toronto).....what is it they say? One person's trash is another person's treasure! I've found many treasures over the years, mostly in the forms of accessories such as jewellery, belts etc. and I've never spent more than $5 on any one item. I find the prices to be quite reasonable that I've never had the need to bargain; run into me in China or Southeast Asia and I won't dare buy anything without bargaining for it, but it must be a Canadian thing everyone is just so nice! The market runs every Sunday from 5am to 5pm and depending on what kind of shopper you are plan to be there 1-2hrs.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Salsa Dancing for a Twoonie!

Your chance to enjoy some sweet & sexy salsa dancing for as little as $2! iFreeStyle, a prominent Toronto salsa school is hosting a special "Salsa Stimulus Plan" Event on Saturday Aug 1 at The Dovercourt House (805 Dovercourt Rd). They will be hosting workshops from 4:30 - 9:00pm for only $5 each and then social dancing from 9pm to 2am for only $2! As a salsa dancer myself, I can tell you this event is a real steal and a great opportunity for those we have always wanted to check out the salsa scene. If you are a newbie to the dance scene, I recommend you don't be discouraged with your novice skills, but rather use this as an education opportunity to see where your skills can go! For more info www.ifreestyle.ca/events

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Toronto's Frugal Fashion Week

So incase you haven't noticed, Frugal is the new black! The recession has resulted in major opportunities to save while indulging!

The Queen West shops have united to encourage shoppers to get back into the stores by hosting Frugal Fashion Week. The shops all along the strip are offering some attractive discounts from 10% to 70% off and special $10 racks. One spot I would recommend hitting is Fresh Collective (692 Queen St. West); for those unfamiliar with the shop, it has one of a kind goods from our fine city's local designers.

I'll be interested to see if this event returns next year. The event is on from July 23-26th. For more info check out

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm a bargain blogger

Hello Friends!

This is my first entry into the blogging community and I am excited! I am a born Frugalista, Bargainista, Deal Diva....call me what you want, but I love hunting down deals! My blogging mission is help you....me...us all be in the know and share those great finds!